RA Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan resigned at 4:15 pm on April 23. In his last speech, he said:
Dear Compatriots,
I turn to all citizens of the Republic of Armenia, adults and my beloved youngsters, women and men.
I turn to those who stay in the streets day and night with their “Deny Serzh” calls, and to people, who through these days, through the closed streets, hardly reach to their workplace, to those who cheerfully perform their duties.
And to those who centered all their attention to the live broadcasts for days and nights and those who ensure the public’s security all day long.I appeal to our brave soldiers and officers standing at the border, to my companions, I appeal to my fellow party friends, all political forces and politicians. As the head of the country, this is the last time I appeal to you.
Nikol Pashinyan was right. I was wrong. The created situation has some solutions, but I will not go to any of them. That’s not mine. I leave the post of the country’s prime minister.
The movement of the street is against my premiership. I fulfill your claim.
Peace, harmony and logic to our country.
Thank you.
After Serzh Sargsyan’s resignation, tens of thousands of citizens marched from the provinces and other parts of Yerevan to Republic Square in order to attend the rally at 18:30. Republic Square, adjacent streets, including Mashtots Avenue, Amiryan Street, and also Tigran Mets Street were full of tens of thousands of citizens. They were dancing, chanting “Free, Independent Armenia”. Citizens sang, dance, and also chanted “Victory, Victory” in Yerevan squares, squares of towns and villages as well.
After Serzh Sargsyan’s resignation, many political forces and politicians made statements.
Prosperous Armenia Party
Armenian Renaissance (former Rule of Law) Party
The party leader Artur Baghdasaryan, who, in addition, has been in the alliance with the party ruled by Serzh Sargsyan, after the latter’s resignation announced that he is ready to meet with Nikol Pashinyan and discuss the proposal for snap parliamentary elections.
Armenian National Congress Party
The first president of Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, the leader of the Armenian National Congress party also made a statement on the resignation. He congratulated the people of Armenia on Serzh Sargsyan’s resignation and on the inevitable follow-up of the criminal-oligarchic system. As he stated, the struggle for years has finally been crowned with success, opening doors for democracy in the country. He also noted that this was the most important but just the first step. “From today on, all of us live in another Armenia. And with the same consistency and inspiration, our society should devote to building a new, democratic Homeland”. He also added that, “the main task now is to ensure smooth transfer of power and government”.
Armenian Revolutionary Federation Party
After the resignation of Sergzh Sargsyan, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Party, which also supported Serzh Sargsyan’s premiership, stated that “the party will continue its efforts for the formation of that dialogue and solidarity. The main guarantee of the success of the launched process is the activity of our citizens, especially the younger generation. It is also very important to ensure the success of the next milestone. We must continue the peaceful nature of the people’s movement. In parallel, taking into account the necessity of establishing a normal life in the country. The People’s Movement should continue to prevent any external interference with our inner life. Also, should provide conditions for solving existing problems in the political arena.”
Sasna Tsrer Organization
Zhirayr Sefilyan and Varujan Avetisyan, who were in jail, have issued a statement on the events in Armenia on behalf of Sasna Tsrer. Their call says, “We welcome the nationwide victory that you have brought in Civil Sardarapat with pride and admiration. You have proved that the Armenian, the citizen of Armenia, is free, dignified and brave.
With special warmth and love we greet the youngsers. They became the leaders and the driving force of the struggle, bringing the culture of the future. They also inspired us to believe in the fulfillment of national desires and human happiness.
We also greet the soldiers who joined their people. They “hit the last nail on the regime’s coffin”. At the same time, we call on military servicemen, who perfrom combat duties. We call on them to remain in positions and to control the border with double zeal and care. We especially greet the organizers and leaders of Civil Sardarapat. That is, Nikol Pashinyan, Sasun Mikayelyan, Ararat Mirzoyan, Lena Nazaryan, David Sanasaryan, Armen Grigoryan, Levon Barseghyan and other devoted ones. You have been able to make all Armenians move. You could wake our volcanic people up and direct their fierce flow for the sake of Homeland and statehood. All of you together you made April 24 the Day of National Revival ”
Political rearrangements took place in the country
Consequently, in the afternoon of April 23, after the resignation of the Republican Party of Armenia President Serzh Sargsyan, according to the current Constitution, the first deputy prime minister, Karen Karapetyan, became the prime minister.
After a few hours of the resignation, the president also appointed a number of ministers on various fields. And after the appointment of the new ministers, the Armenian government with the head Karen Karapetyan convened a government session.
On April 23, RA President Armen Sargsyan accepted the resignation of the Government of Armenia.
In the evening of April 23, a rally with thousands of people started in Yerevan’s Republic Square. Pashinyan also spoke during the rally. He talked about the changes in Armenia’s state governance system, the current situation and also their further steps.
Next read: Nikol Pashinayn’s Speech
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