Generally speaking throughout its history Armenians had many achievements. But because of Armenia’s favorable geographical location and Armenian religion, the tragedies and losses exceeded the number. In fact, Armenia has been attacked many times. Hence it appeared under the rule of other nations or empires. Thus Armenians had nothing to do, but to build places, memorials where they can relive their pain and feelings. Actually, the larger in size from these memorials and the one, that contains the biggest sorrow for all Armenians is the Armenian Genocide memorial complex in Tsitsernakaberd.

In fact, the beginning of the 20th century was a fatal time for Armenians. At that period Armenia was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire and there were massive killings, which lead to Armenian Genocide in 1915. As a result, 1.5 million civilian Armenians were killed. But after that, it was forbidden to tell about the genocide. In fact, only after World War II, 1950 in the Soviet Union it was allowed to speak about it. From 1965 to 1967, people built Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex in Yerevan on the occasion of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Genocide. As has been noted during the genocide, Turkish government killed millions of people.
“Tsisternak” means swallow and “berd” means fortress – the Fortress of Swallows. The monument of Genocide is located on the hill of Tsitsernakaberd. Must be remembered that the architects of the monument are Tarkhanyan and Kalashian.
Tsitsernakaberd has become a pilgrimage site. For this reason every year, on 24th of April, thousands of Armenians and even foreigners go on a pilgrimage. Hence they gather at the memorial to commemorate the victims of the genocide.
Genocide Memorial Plan: Design
The memorial consists of 4500 square meters and has three main buildings – namely the Memorial Wall, the Sanctuary of Eternity which include Memorial Hall & Eternal Flame and the Column named “The Reborn Armenia.”
On the 100 meter’s basalt memorial wall, there are names of cities where the Turks killed Armenians.
The Reborn Armenia Memorial consists of 44 meters and is divided into two parts. There are two opinions about this memorial. Some people claim the two parts symbolize the Eastern and Western parts of Armenia. Other people say that it represents Mountains of Ararat.
The Sanctuary of Eternity consists of 12 slabs. The slabs in the circle represent the twelve Armenian provinces that currently are situated in the today’s Turkey. There are stairs between the slabs leading down and there you can see a fire amid the slabs.
In fact every year many Armenians and foreigners visit Tsitsernakaberd. Thus they bring flowers and put them on the fire. Basically, the height of the flowers reaches to 1 meter.
Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in Tsitsernakaberd
Armenians built the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in 1995. Indeed it is a unique museum with real cruel photos. It is important to realize, that these photos are one of the most compelling evidence of these actions. The sculptor of the museum’s unique design is F. Araqelyan. The architects are A. Tarkhanyan and S. Kalashian.
In addition, visitors get guided tours in different languages. Hence up to the present time each year, thousands of foreigners visit it. The director of the museum is Dr. Hayk Demoyan.
Famous People’s quotes about Armenian Genocide
Up to the present time, many progressive intellectuals condemn the Armenian Genocide. Thus here are some of the thoughts about genocide by famous people.
– What did you do to so many Christians? You subjected 1.5 million Armenians to Genocide. So tell us how did it happen? – Steve Jobs –
– We honor the million and a half lives; we honor those lives by calling their tragedy by its true name. Genocide. The Armenian Genocide. – George Clooney –
– It is time to recognize the Armenian Genocide. – Kim Kardashian –
– Armenia is dying, but it will survive. The little blood that is left is precious blood that will give birth to a heroic generation. A nation that does not want to die, does not die. – Anatole France –
– I know about Armenian Genocide. I know that Armenians have a very difficult history. – Mel Gibson –
Movies about the Armenian Genocide
Presently there are many movies dedicated to the Armenian Genocide. Definitely many of them obviously represent the truth. Here are some of these movies.
Mayrig/Mother – director Anri Vernon – 1991
Aram – director Robert Qeshishyan – 2002
Ararat – director Atom Egoyan – 2002
La Masseria Delle Allodole/ The Lark Farm – directors Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani – 2007
The Promise – director Terry George – 2016
The last movie about The Armenian Genocide is “The Promise’’. Thus the cast of the movie includes famous actors like Oscar Isaac, Charlotte Le Bon, Christian Bale, Jean Reno, Angela Sarafyan, Armin Amiri, etc.
14 Armenian Genocide Memorials
- Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex – Armenia – 1967
- Memorial – Kolkata, West Bengal, India – 1965
- Armenian Genocide Monument – Bikfaya, Lebanon – 1965
- The Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument/Montebello Genocide Memorial – Montebello, California in the Los Angeles – 1968
- Marseille Genocide Memorial – Marseilles, France – 1973
- Martyrs Memorial – St. Nerses Shnorhali Church, Uruguay 1975
- Armenian Genocide Memorial – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States – 1980
- Genocide Memorial –Forty Martyrs Cathedral, Aleppo, Syria – 1985
- Armenian Genocide Monument – Nicosia, Cyprus – 1990
- Monument of Genocide – Quebec, Canada – 1998
- Memorial – Lyon, France – 2006
- Memorial of Armenian Genocide – Cyprus – 2008
- Armenian Park – Massachusetts, United States – 2012
- Genocide Monument – Almelo, the Netherlands – 2014
- Armenian Genocide Monument – Fresno, California – 2015
- Armenian Genocide memorial in Bikfaya, Lebanon – 1965
- Armenian Genocide memorial in Montebello, California, United States – 1968
- Armenian Genocide memorial in Montevideo, Uruguay – 1975
- Armenian Genocide memorial in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States -1980
- Armenian Genocide memorial in Nicosia, Cyprus – 1990
- Armenian Genocide memorial in Quebec, Canada – 1998
Up to the present time, Armenians remember about the Genocide. As a matter of fact, many countries still don’t recognize the genocide. But as long as this nation exists they will demand everyone to accept the Genocide. Until now you can see an old people crying and telling the stories of those cruel days. All things considered, no power of the world can destroy this race. Hence they should never try to do so.
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